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The Wellness Entrepreneur Podcast

The Digital Wellpreneur Podcast is the place to accelerate your impact and up level your income online, whilst creating more freedom in your life and business.

Your work has the ability to change lives and leave a lasting legacy so with every episode our mission is to support your journey and help you share your message, so you can blaze the trail for your clients and community.

Our intention is not just to inspire you with content but to provide actionable materials for you to implement and integrate into your wellness business that will get you high-level results!

To keep in touch, you can visit and follow us on socials @kirstykianifard. Please subscribe to the podcast on iTunes to make sure you never miss an episode and get access to exclusive 'podcast only' content.

Feb 24, 2022

The idea of creating free content to establish yourself as an authority in your field and get found by potential clients, is nothing new.

But when you’re spending hours each week, pushing out value through your blog, podcast or social media, an anxious question might pop up in your mind.

How do you know when you’re giving away too much for free?

At what point have you created so much free content that you end up making your paid services redundant?

In today’s episode of The Wellness Entrepreneur Podcast, I will explain why this is the wrong question to ask. 

When you’re creating value for free, you’re speaking to everyone. When you’re working with a paying client, you are speaking to their very specific pain points.

This is the reason I strongly believe that you never have to fear free content. When you’re showing up consistently, at your own pace, on a platform of your choice, it helps build relationships and creates a brand your clients can trust. 

So, the real question is - how can you make the most out of all this free content you’re creating?

You’ll find the answer inside the episode, where I cover:

- why you should never be embarrassed to ask for a sale through your free content

- how free content helps strengthen your relationships with your current clients

- why you should never create from a place of scarcity

- how to ensure your audience loves your free content, but will value your paid services more

- how your free content is a way to embody the values of your brand

If creating free content for your digital audience is failing to bring you a steady flow of clients, there’s likely a very fixable reason (all of which I reveal in this episode) - but it will rarely be because you’re creating too much of it.

Once you listen to the episode, come into my insta DMs and let me know how you’re tweaking your free content strategy.

Find the full SHOW NOTES right here!





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